In the late 90s, the park experienced a period of growth by adding new coasters and rides.
It was also around this time that the park began adding rides such as Dragon Mountain to encourage teenagers and younger children.
The company realized the key to boosting a park's attendance was to add new and exciting rides, and make it family-friendly.
The park continued to add new rides and removed some older ones.
The park added new additional rides to the South End of the park.
Wiggles World also added new rides, wet and dry play elements, and a live stage show.
In the past 10 years, the park has begun to add rides that adults can enjoy but yet are not too extreme for children.
The Walsh brothers begin to expand and develop the facility, adding new rides and attractions.
He added other rides and attractions, including a mechanical horse race course from which the park derived its name.
In 1988, the park renovated the buildings and midways, but managed to add a couple more flat rides.