It had been a typical chicken grill, but when the owners of the adjacent Shim market took it over they added seafood, sandwiches, pasta dishes and vegetables, many of them excellent.
The inexpensive storefront spot, at 1075 Portion Road (696-7527), which grills chicken, quail, steak and ribs, has added seafood and other dishes.
Add the fish or seafood and marinate for one to two hours.
However, many cooks add other seafood as well, such as crab and shrimp, as the photo to the right suggests.
Add the tomatoes and seafood and simmer just to heat them.
In bowl, add seafood to remaining ingredients except lettuce; toss, then taste and adjust seasoning.
In addition, if you plan to use some of the marinade as a sauce on the cooked food, reserve a portion separately before adding the raw meat, poultry, or seafood.
Korean congee, called juk, can have added seafood, pine nuts, mushrooms, etc.
More imaginative additions are equally straightforward: you can add seafood, chickpeas, peas or almost any other vegetable, or even noodles, an unexpected but terrific twist.
Then you heat the stew base, add pieces of cubed fish plus seafood like scallops or shrimp, and bring to a boil.