They temporarily tint lips, making them kissably safe, but they don't add shine or dimension.
It will enhance condition, too, adding shine and making hair more manageable.
The icon file referenced by is modified to add rounded corners, drop shadow, and reflective shine.
As we pass through each room it seems to fluff itself and shimmy to add shine to the already blinding surfaces.
Traditionally, pomade is a type of hair wax that also adds shine to one's hair.
A rich copper red was applied tall over to warm and enrich Susan's hair, finished with a polishing product to add shine.
Ideal for roller setting, this lotion adds shine and body to hair without flaking.
Evaluation of three products that claim to add shine to hair.
Highlighter is a gel, ointment or oil used to add shine and thus accentuate certain parts of the horse's face.
The gel promised to get rid of the frizz while adding shine.