The Latin alphabet has been used, adding diacritic signs to represent some phonemes not existing in Spanish.
Nearby cities are expected to add signs to their polluted drains.
Mr. Israel said he had been approached by entrepreneurs and corporate sponsors who wanted to add signs to the 22-story building.
As other lines become computerized, the transportation authority plans to add electronic signs.
The Cubs also got permission to add new signs.
The city will also consider adding sprinklers and pressurized stairwells, regular testing of emergency phones and better signs in stairways.
Most of the traditional Spanish names for the streets in Gibraltar were established before 1870 when the local police added signs.
The Red Sox added signs to the back of the right-field wall warning fans not to interfere with players.
On a recent afternoon, workers were paving the dirt lot to make 60 more parking spaces and adding new signs, lighting and landscaping.
The Coast Guard recommended that ferry management develop automated announcements to keep passengers informed and add signs and other safety precautions.