But then I put the poetry down on tape and I wanted to do it with the newest technology, so we added a band and synthesizers.
The Make Believe tour also found the band using additional instruments onstage, adding piano, synthesizers, pseudophones, and guitarist Bobby Schneck.
It incorporates organ instrumentation and different contemporary grooves and beats into its primary arrangement, adding percussion and synthesizers as well.
A marked shift in Swans' music came with inclusion of Gira's partner, Jarboe, who added her ethereal voice and synthesizers to the group in 1985.
As the disco era came to a close, a new generation of producers began adding synthesizers and slick drum machine beats to African-American music.
However, after the studio engineer added synthesizers to several tracks, the band scrapped it.
Some bands add synthesizers to their lineups to give their music melody and groove.
Additionally, it added synthesizers to the Smart Keyboard and Smart Bass instruments.
He has added synthesizers, a Hawaiian steel guitar and phalanxes of electric guitars and conga drums to the traditional juju ensemble.