Republican campaign consultant Ed Rollins opined that the decision adds transparency to the election process and will make it more competitive.
For the first time, the judges' individual scores were visible to the viewing audience, adding transparency to the pageant.
The proposed rules make the principles binding, but they also add two new items to the list: nondiscrimination and transparency.
Effects managers such as Xcompmgr and transset-df can add true transparency to desktop elements and windows.
"We want a Weblog that adds value and transparency to the discussions on global issues that affect us all," the site ( says.
Today's hearing was designed to add transparency to the process used by the committee to craft the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012.
But, exchanges help add transparency, Ms. Saville said.
By issuing guidelines on when and why it would impose fines, the commission added transparency to an oft-criticized process.
This will be done through the Youth Pass, which should add greater transparency and value to voluntary work.
I also hope we will add transparency in government procurement as well as provision for issuing working visas of up to 24 months.