It has since diverged into an entirely separate fictional universe, new additions to which continue to be published.
The last component of Shchuko's plan, a 250-seat reading hall, was opened in 1945; further additions continued until 1960.
In response, the cathedral's architects built supports around the outside walls, and later additions continued the pattern.
This addition would continue throughout several games later in the series.
Construction of the present church began around 1231, and additions continued into the 16th century.
The addition continued the use of tidewater cypress for the exterior and interior woodwork.
Renovations and additions to the building have continued over the years.
Further additions and improvements of the school facilities have continued throughout its history.
The addition of new information would continue, but this was the core unit from which ever more knowledge would spring.
A 1981 addition of a nearby parking garage continued to contribute to business prosperity.