Its basic principles are "one sound - one letter" and the addition of diacritical marks above letters to represent sounds alien to Latin.
Unquestionably, the addition of elevator facilities represents an improvement; but for those who must use the elevator, they should be cautioned to arrive quite early.
With three bedrooms, the addition of three people had represented a logistical problem at the Retreat.
The addition represents a third of Rainier's exposure in loans to developing countries, primarily Mexico and Brazil.
The unstressed syllable is a feminine rhyme, yet the addition of the syllable to the traditional form may also represent a phallus.
Two other notable additions to the Dallas skyline represent significantly different attitudes toward the contemporary skyscraper.
The addition represents another step in the substantial improvement of the school's teaching and extra curricular facilities of recent years.
The addition of benches represented the reversal of a decades-long neighborhood trend away from providing free places to sit.
Indeed, his chronology of scores shows that each addition represents either autonomous musical progress or a different musical language, inspired by his dramatic subject.
The early embryo is a physical manifestation of the basic archetype, while the addition of specialized features represents a gradual adaptive modification.