After that, the prosecutor would have to ask Congress for an extension and an additional appropriation.
Could bring in additional appropriations, even more funds for international efforts.
The district asked the court to order an additional appropriation for the city's schools.
The California state legislature made additional appropriations of $10,000 each in 1917, 1925, 1927 and 1929.
Implementation of the notification process is contingent on additional appropriations to cover its cost to the agency.
With the allocation of additional appropriations, construction began in 1834.
An additional appropriation approved on June 6, 1935, brought the total authorization to $8,226,457.
The second line which may require additional appropriations is the Cohesion Fund.
The present request for additional appropriations simply refers to the use of surplus funds from 2002.
Carnegie agreed to pay half of the additional appropriation in addition to the original $10,000 gift.