The move would be a precaution against the possibility that the Treasury may not be allowed to sell additional bonds this fall.
In December 1973, additional bonds were issued to provide much-needed improvements to the heavily traveled highway.
The corporation also announced that it does not expect to issue any additional bonds until the fourth quarter of the calendar year.
These already represent a debt for the city of $135 million, with $315 million worth of additional bonds still to be issued.
Now, the government will probably issue additional bonds.
During play, an investor card is passed around which allows the purchase of additional bonds.
Once paired, the two electrons cannot take part in additional bonds.
Add in a sweetener - buyers get additional bonds, absolutely free, after three years - and the promised yield is over 16 percent.
Worries about tax law changes led municipalities to issue scores of additional bonds.
This should eliminate a need for additional bonds.