The toll is expected to double in 20 years, with nearly all the additional deaths coming from developing countries.
In 1984, a second attack on the embassy caused nine additional deaths.
The name on the account is false, and any attempts to access it will result in additional deaths.
Colorado officials have reported three additional deaths beyond the official national count.
He predicted thousands of additional deaths if shelter is not provided within the next 15 days.
Things only got worse for Black as he dealt with additional deaths within his family over the next few months.
An additional death was reported in the town of Morse.
Their reason is that to risk additional deaths in an attempt to carry a body from one grave to another makes no sense.
There were an additional 31,271 military deaths due to "natural causes" which are not included in these figures.
Among the 400 passengers on board, there were 4 additional deaths, and one child born.