Safety net on bugs - Unit tests will confirm that while refactoring no additional errors were introduced.
Within days, the Tribune Company announced that it had found additional errors in circulation figures dating back to 2001 and 2002.
But polls taken on just one day, as these were, are subject to additional error because of the limited time to reach people.
But polls conducted in just one night are subject to additional error because of the limited time available to contact people.
In addition, polls conducted entirely in one night introduce additional error.
For example, surveys completed in just one evening can be subject to additional error because of the limited time available to reach people.
Northfield is currently re-evaluating the study database to determine if any additional statistical errors are present.
In more complex compounds, there is additional error since electronegativity depends on the molecular environment of an atom.
While overall errors become less likely, the checks add to workload and may in themselves be a cause of additional errors.
There was an additional error reported and fixed by IBM on this now two instruction program.