A capital injection from the company's bank has to be looked at as a probable source of additional finance, although this would mean a secured loan.
However, it seems that some additional finance will have to be raised to finance the proposed purchase of property.
"A grant is great, but it won't cover the full cost, so raise additional finance early."
For year 2005, additional finances will be available to states through the terrorism cooperative agreement.
Using the parent body as a means of raising additional finance.
Despite attempts to provide additional finance, it was not possible to save the company, and in 1929 the works closed completely.
Rising construction costs and a lack of additional finances left the unfinished steel structure stalled for almost two years.
However, we needed to get additional finance into the business to manufacture, sell and promote the product.
If the intention is to justify to the source of funds the need for additional finance as circumstances arise, the contingency sum can be lower.
Without additional finance we shall not be able to improve on the current participation by barely 1 % of young people on professional training courses.