The new CT7-8A7 engine version will produce 10% additional horsepower.
It also has a little more punch, thanks to an additional 10 horsepower, bringing the rating up to 166 while the curb weight remains about the same.
If you have the additional horsepower, you're more likely to use it.
It combines a 300-horsepower V-6 engine with three electric motors that produce an additional 100 horsepower.
Device attached to turbochargers used to limit the additional horsepower they produce.
"We haven't seen that kind of additional horsepower applied to New York."
In August 2001 this engine received an additional four horsepower.
The V-12 was bored out to its limit for 305 cid and yielded 10 additional horsepower.
The Model 18T-2 was an improved version of its predecessor, boosting 50 additional horsepower.
The facility was powered by five Corliss engines with a total of 1,200 horsepower, and water wheels providing an additional 250 horsepower.