It puts into motion an additional quantity of industry, which gives an additional value to the annual produce.
These created cracks which were later filled in with additional quantities of magma and diabase.
For these issues of the nation's welfare, it is the quality of policy that is critical, not the additional quantity of population.
In some instances, additional quantities of an item may be added, if more of the specific item are discovered in the inventory.
The salt has high levels of calcium to buffer the water and additional quantities of the elements that are used up by marine life.
"It's possible that in obese humans, if we give additional quantities we'll generate an anti-obesity and anti-appetite response."
Independent studies have shown that increased consumption means that the markets are able to cope with these additional quantities.
I am also pleased to see that my proposal for a simplified procedure for additional quantities has been adopted.
Then, with the variance determined, the additional quantity of propellant was calculated, and its measure taken from a special car and added to the regular charge.
In the third quatrain, he likens the mistress to an ocean, which would be able to comfortably accommodate an additional quantity of water.