There will be three additional restaurants, as well as a fitness center connected to a terrace on the third floor.
However, the company has not opened any additional restaurants and continues to operate solely from its seven original locations.
A new entertainment district with a 100-room boutique hotel and additional restaurants opened in late 2006.
The second floor features meeting rooms and an additional restaurant while an atrium rises 8 stories.
With additional restaurants added in, about 10 percent of the total retail space, or roughly 25,000 square feet, will be devoted to food operations.
As a result, the ship had to be retrofitted with additional restaurants.
Seven additional restaurants are scheduled to open in 1996.
The two companies also have an agreement to develop additional restaurant and casino concepts together.
Discussions are under way with additional restaurants, which would use up the remaining space, he added.
In 1991 the family agreed to divide the business when Mardiros wanted to open additional restaurants.