There are several additional samples that might be G.
"Do you want me to take additional samples," Zane asked, "and find someone new to analyze them?"
Only when it was threatened to be ripped out in 2005 additional samples were taken and later analyzed at Klosterneuburg.
Robert Worcester, the chairman of the research and polling group, said it was conducting additional samples today to determine what, if anything, had gone wrong.
At these very low levels many additional samples showed traces of sulfa drugs that could not be confirmed.
Beginning next month the agency will begin to gather additional samples and work with the county to find the sources of the contamination.
The summation process is slightly different to accommodate the additional samples.
The survey included 1,004 adults across the country and an additional sample of 474 people just from New York City.
If additional samples are collected from the same species, how many more species do we expect to discover?
The influx from the new law could be up to 1 million additional samples per year.