They also assigned some additional sequences to denote stopping points.
Some months after a library of stock footage had been compiled, additional sequences were filmed using a different airplane.
An additional non-marine sequence is present in north-eastern Alberta.
The person winning the sequence may declare any additional sequences that he has, if desired.
Once he completed that sequence he was hired by the producers to reshoot additional sequences.
The larger transcript, which migrates at 3.7 kb, must contain additional sequences, but these have not yet been mapped.
Hunter wrote a draft containing the rape scene but also wrote an additional, substitute sequence, which he pleaded with Hitchcock to use instead.
This lets them ligate in an additional sequence precisely 13 base pairs from the first.
Officials said they may soon apply for a second patent that would cover an additional 1,500 sequences.
Students in the School of Art take an additional three-semester sequence in art history.