Financial support for the teacher and school was provided by a flat annual fee, plus an additional monthly stipend per student.
The members receive a salary of $55,000 a year, with additional stipends of $7,000 to $30,000 for leadership positions.
The private secretary was the Consul-General's man, but one of his office staff was receiving an additional stipend from another quarter.
You will not receive any additional stipend for that.
Miami has lead teachers, too, who receive additional stipends, though it does not designate other career stages.
The families pay 30 percent of their income on rent, and the Government pays landlords an additional stipend, pegged to local housing costs.
The emperor was so gratified by his luck in fishing at this spot that he ordered additional stipends for the town.
Some colleges and universities provide additional stipends, tuition waivers, or temporary loans to help cover internship expenses.
A teacher with a master's degree might get an additional stipend of anywhere from $500 to $2,000.
He was made Dean of the Chapel Royal instead, with an additional stipend.