One study reported actual risk to be 2.4 times greater than the risk reported in the medical literature, with additional variation by type of institution.
The cycle types article describes additional variations.
Some are straightforward clones, but most have introduced additional variations to the game play, such as:
Over the next few years, he created additional variations of Word Roundup that are played by millions online everyday.
There was additional variation in the amplified samples (Table 5) that is probably due to the extra steps required in the protocol.
For screen display, additional variations such as inverse and color are offered.
Many additional variations exist in both plug boring and joint assembly.
Each pickup has a distinctive sound, and multiple pickups can be paired, either in-phase or out, to produce additional variations.
Note: Some additional minor variations not listed in this table may apply.
An additional variation penalizes players for performing the wrong action, like touching their nose when they should grab their earlobe.