You only need to write to ask for a replacement return if your address has changed.
Also note that if a new version of the library is installed, the addresses change.
The school's address also changed but remained in Chicago's Austin neighborhood.
Major reconstruction on the building followed during the early 1930s, as the address changed to 32 Avenue of the Americas.
The name and the address have changed during the time.
That was also the year my address changed and my voice broke.
Since the trading deadline passed and Pettitte's address did not change, he is 7-3 with a 2.70 earned run average.
Due to the drastic historical events of the early 20th century, its address changed numerous times.
Most of the structures are still standing, although the addresses used in the nomination form may have changed.
Over the years, the addresses changed several times.
It is also not a fast enough response to address climate change.
The first thing is to take stock of what many parties have already done to address climate change.
There can be no discussion of public health or education without addressing climate change.
We also agree that, over time, new sources of funding need to be found to address development needs and climate change.
We do agree our country must take action to address climate change.
And we have not begun in any meaningful way to address climate change.
Indeed, Congress, which requested the study, did not even ask the panel to address climate change.
The House has voted 21 times to block actions to address climate change.
Reducing both would not only address climate change, but also dramatically improve people's health.
The events featured a number of religious leaders and scientists who called for immediate action to address climate change.