The ministry introduced the Gateway Program on January 31, 2005 as a means to address growing congestion and reduce travel times.
Under the department's "no-build alternative," the state would make only spot improvements to correct structural deficiencies in the road and overpasses but would not address congestion and safety.
The Federal Aviation Administration must not only address current congestion, but also be poised to handle future demand that will surely return as the nation's economy improves.
Long-term construction is underway to address congestion and the high accident rate on this stretch of highway.
Furthermore, Governor O'Neill directed the Connecticut Department of Transportation to develop a viable plan for addressing safety and congestion on the state's roads.
It would require major cities to establish detailed transportation improvement programs addressing land use, mass transit and congestion.
While aiming to address congestion on regional roadways, the plan also stresses the importance of transit and strives to increase bicycling and walking in the region.
It should address transportation delays and congestion.
Congestion pricing is one of a number of alternative demand side (as opposed to supply side) strategies offered by economists to address congestion.
This is part of a bigger project that addresses future congestion along Route 440.