Engine covers have been an easy way to address part of our concern, especially since so little routine maintenance is now required.
Limits on malpractice costs can address part of the problem, however.
Dr. Summers said that making college more affordable for low-income, high-ability students would address only part of the problem.
It addressed part of the issue.
Mrs. Jackson explained that the private religious school was only addressing part of her children's educational needs.
Many security experts and executives applauded the move, but said that it could only address part of the problem.
Other companies address only part of the customer service equation.
The state, he said, was addressing only part of a serious problem, closing the landfills, "without considering what happens when the landfills close."
Before the protocol was signed, the cocoa industry acknowledged the problem of forced child labor to address part of Article 1.
A Joint Statement was made in 2001 to address part of Article 3.