This model includes a processor that operates in either system or user mode, and has access to linear, uniformly addressable memory.
For example Flash memory chips as addressable memory rather than structured as disk arrays.
The new computer does everything that the old computer did, including programming capability and several addressable memories.
Thus, addressable memory is used as an intermediate stage.
The effective 20-bit address space of real mode limits the addressable memory to 2 bytes, or 1,048,576 bytes.
Even devices that do support bursts will have some limit on the maximum length they can support, such as the end of their addressable memory.
The LC-3 specifies a word size of 16 bits for its registers and uses a 16-bit addressable memory with a 2-location address space.
Having 16-bit word, up to 8MB addressable memory range, modular architecture and priced at around $3000, it was one of the best of its times.
Hardware content addressable memory is often used in a computer's CPU cache.
For example, due to technical limitation, normal 32-bit computer operating systems have a 4 GiB limit on addressable memory.