Matthews paused, then stared up, over her head, as if the words were too important to be addressed solely to her.
Government campaigns targeting women were addressed solely at housewives, perhaps because already employed women would move to the higher-paid "essential" jobs on their own, perhaps because it was assumed that most would be housewives.
Having collected the firman in Damascus and returning to Ehden the people there were aggrieved that the firman was addressed solely to Sheikh Iskandar, fearing that he and his relations could claim sole ownership.
No crime threat can be addressed solely from within our borders which is why we believe it is better to:
But you have to address broader social issues, which cannot be addressed solely in a profile of a store "clerk," however well written.
Not everyone's needs are simple enough to be addressed solely through touch interface.
The claws are another problem, one that cannot be addressed solely by a nutcracker.
Nolan said in a voice too loud to be addressed solely to her, and flung Leslie's gate open so hard it rebounded from the wall.
Upholding national pride by maintaining that immigration or terrorism can be addressed solely through national policies is not a matter of upholding national pride or upholding the great principles behind so many countries' traditions; it is merely not responding to what the people are demanding.