Computerised system must have adequate backup, either backup copy on board or a regular exchange of data between ship and office.
Believe me, sir, I've got no intention of asking your boys to go into harm's way without adequate backup.
Providing adequate backup cannot be done, the document says, "without unreasonable impacts to mission content and agency costs."
A violent domestic call without adequate backup a street robbery and Dispatch forgets to tell you that your suspect is armed.
Jackson, however, isn't concerned about having an adequate backup.
The police clearly hadn't called for adequate backup, and they appeared to be armed with only handguns and shotguns.
They usually found two starters, but not always adequate backups.
How do you know when you have an adequate backup?
Without an adequate backup, Hextall adjusted slowly to his new assignment.
But he said that there was adequate backup - there were about 150 firefighters at the scene.