Rob Bell, of the Act on CO2 campaign, said most homes built between 1920 and 1980 had cavity walls but no adequate insulation which was costing home owners dearly.
In any case, high-vacuum equipment is needed to ensure adequate thermal insulation.
On average, 63% of single-family homes had adequate or poor insulation.
All it took to handle it was a good internal heat source - in the form of high calorie food - and adequate insulation.
And one final point - is the sound insulation adequate?
A. This room probably gets colder than the rest of the house because of a lack of adequate insulation in the outside walls.
And any heating system needs to be contained within adequate thermal insulation, to minimise the energy wastage caused by heat losses to the surrounding environment.
Regularly in the places we had there would be damp creeping up the walls and damage to window frames because the windows didnt provide adequate insulation.
We assume this is because there is less than adequate insulation.
MOST homeowners assume that a home with adequate insulation is energy efficient.