By insuring adequate staffing and smoother operations after any mergers, she said, these reviews would also help keep freight flowing.
Guards and wardens say security systems generally are technologically sound, but they emphasize that adequate staffing is the key to safety.
As a result, despite adequate staffing and phone system, we have incurred difficulties with clients' being able to reach us.
For biotech executives and investors, a cluster assures enough trained employees to provide adequate staffing.
If they did know, why didn't they lead a more public campaign for adequate staffing themselves?
Doctors testified at the trial that propofol, which is often used for surgery, should never be given in a home setting without adequate staffing and equipment.
Its first head resigned last summer after repeatedly having her requests for adequate staffing turned down.
Any death-penalty law must include adequate staffing for defense and prosecution.
He must also clarify the situation with regard to adequate staffing and opening hours in those A&E units that will remain open.
Without adequate staffing of child welfare agencies, more children will be in danger of the same fate.