"In my opinion, prosecutors have adequately proved the command responsibility in Kosovo," said Goran Sluiter, a jurist at Utrecht University, in the Netherlands.
Its senior executives, who by the time the trial began had already spent $3.4 billion restoring Prince William Sound and compensating victims, believed they had adequately proved their contrition.
But the general policy of insurers has been to deny coverage on the ground that safety and effectiveness had not been adequately proved.
Some experts say the benefits to patients of H.I.V. resistance testing has not been adequately proved.
Still, some countries and some food companies do not accept them, whether because their safety has not been adequately proved, as matter of principle, or out of concern about consumer rejection.
But insurers and many doctors say that widespread claims that biofeedback can treat anxiety and attention disorders have never been adequately proved.
That had been adequately proved.
Three Filipinos were beheaded in Saudi Arabia in January after they were accused of hostage-taking and murder, charges that human rights lawyers in the Philippines say were not adequately proved.
It seemed adequately proved that the woolly mammoth and woolly rhinoceros were mammals of the ice ages, and had ceased to exist with the ice ages: they inhabited Europe when it was tundra, and not afterwards.
The fact of life has been adequately proved.