He had been posted missing four days earlier, and was awarded an immediate DFC - a gesture that some of his colleagues felt did not adequately recognise his gallantry.
Recent experience (2011-2012 and beyond) has shown that students applying to British universities are encountering growing difficulties, sometimes serious, in having their Baccalaureate qualifications adequately recognised.
The problem is whether such a simplifying assumption does in fact adequately recognise these connections.
There is something troubling about the notion of creating such a prestigious position at an institution that has yet to adequately recognize the importance of the entire Jewish experience.
The Mother With a Job The fund said the nation had not adequately recognized the needs of children whose mothers work outside the home.
This decision angered many veterans, who felt that it did not adequately recognise their deeds.
All physicians and most parents by now know the importance of recognizing and adequately treating a throat infection caused by Group A streptococcal bacteria.
Yet Mr. Herzog doesn't adequately recognize that these Kinski characters are doubles of himself.
However, all too often this can be used by certain regimes to conceal the fact that they do not adequately recognize collective rights.
A boss who adequately recognizes and rewards employees is harder to find than a good sushi bar in Wyoming.