He remained confident that the storm had adequately screened him from observers when he had captured the Hand.
Between 2002 and 2010, the percentage of people between 50 and 75 who were adequately screened for colorectal cancer increased from 52.3% to 65.4%, says the CDC.
The most frequent criticism has been that the workers brought to the island to replace the striking workers have not been adequately screened and do not have sufficient training to handle an emergency.
The most frequent criticism has been that the workers brought to the island to replace the striking workers have not been adequately screened.
Meanwhile, potential tenants (even ones that seem nice) should be adequately screened, with credit and criminal background checks, and each lease strictly enforced.
As the transmitter itself is not connected to a real earth or 'ground' it is essential that the instrument used is adequately screened and all wiring connections are in good condition.
Most deaths from cervical cancer in this country are in women who are not adequately screened (with a simple Pap smear).
The link to China has set off concerns among critics of the Food and Drug Administration that ingredients in pet food as well as human food, which are increasingly coming from abroad, are not being adequately screened.
The right question, in the view of Mr. Kean and his vice chairman, Lee H. Hamilton, is whether oceangoing cargo is adequately screened for bombs.
On the other hand, some men taking the new drugs have not been adequately screened for possible correctable underlying causes or medical problems that could render the drug treatment unsafe.