The individuals that choose to work in the schools close to them does not adequately supply the school with enough teachers.
Under normal circumstances, the heart continues to adequately supply all parts of the body.
All Americans, regardless of where they stand on the war, want our troops to be adequately supplied and protected.
Those stands designed for natural trees have a water-well, which, in many cases may not hold enough water to adequately supply the cut tree.
As quartermaster, Antonius, your job is to keep my army adequately supplied.
This was particularly dangerous in a war of attrition, as neither the troops nor the civilian population were ever adequately supplied.
When supplied adequately, the population will grow and the inhabitants will rise to higher social classes.
Due to equipment shortages, it was often difficult to adequately supply newly arrived divisions in England.
Shortfalls in provisions might have also been due to the poor quality of the food, as opposed to a failure to adequately supply the ship.
Surely you could have seen to it that the matter of keeping this place adequately supplied with such things as oil was handled more efficiently.