This last point is actually fairly intuitive: Leaving an adhesive exposed to air too long gets it dirty, and its adhesive strength will decrease.
It also has a greater adhesive strength than many other adhesives used for parchment repair.
If we want to attach negatives with real adhesive strength, conservatism and its harsher synonym, reaction, work best.
Most importantly, its adhesive strength is less than its cohesive strength.
Makki di roti is yellow in color when ready, and has much less adhesive strength - which makes it difficult to handle.
Isinglass is a film known for its adhesive strength made by soaking and then cooking a dried Russian sturgeon bladder at low temperature.
Sometimes grouped into the chemical mechanism of adhesion, hydrogen bonding can increase adhesive strength by the dispersive mechanism.
Compounds which can hydrogen bond across the adhesive interface will have even greater adhesive strength.
Surface roughness can also affect the adhesive strength.
Thus, more intermolecular interactions at closer distances can arise, yielding stronger attractions and larger adhesive strength.