This store is used for heating an adjacent factory as needed, even months later.
The cars continued to have excellent coachwork made by the Calthorpe subsidiary company of Mulliner (acquired in 1917), who had an adjacent factory.
The heat is stored in the bedrock surrounding a cluster of heat exchanger equipped boreholes, and is used for space heating in an adjacent factory as needed, even months later.
Mr. Gehry designed the 7,400-square-foot museum and an adjacent factory.
On December 9, 2009, a truck driver standing at the gas station parking lot of the Belvidere oasis was killed when debris thrown by an explosion at an adjacent factory struck him.
The lab compound and adjacent factories changed the face of then-rural New Jersey even as they changed how inventions were made.
After a fire in an adjacent factory, the Newton family and business relocated to 17 King Street, Leicester.
Business men from the adjacent factories and school teachers from the nearest public schools, used it increasingly.
The second structure, a brick industrial-style building with six lofts, which is still under construction, blends in with an adjacent small factory now being used as an office building.
The smell from the adjacent factory comes from the famous name being branded into each of the bats.