Nine hundred adjacent homes, slated to be built in the coming years, are said to cost between $1,500,000 to $5,000,000.
The design included both portals on opposite ends of the community, with landscaping added between the construction site and adjacent homes.
At least two families resultantly fled their adjacent homes due to this and other bad behaviour.
A 1983 mudslide from the slopes of the hill caused $20,000 in damage to an adjacent home.
He saw the others reach the cover of adjacent homes, then ducked down and peered in the window.
In one instance, four adjacent homes were completely destroyed, with only concrete slabs remaining.
These deficiencies have resulted in backups of raw sewage into adjacent homes.
The line closed on 5 May 1969; today the rear gardens of many adjacent homes have been extended up over the embankment.
Abandoned in the early 1900s, the house was rediscovered in 1971 (after the construction of an adjacent home).
"It's kind of funny," said a woman in an adjacent home, who would not give her name.