They also constructed roads to other military facilities in west Florida and adjacent portions of Alabama.
This area is located along the northeastern border of Afghanistan and adjacent portions of northwest Pakistan.
A Dollar General store occupies an adjacent portion of the property.
This slip ramp project was put on hold in 2009 due to engineering and design issues in widening the adjacent portion of the turnpike.
Contrast is defined as the difference in radiographic density between adjacent portions of the image.
The lawlessness spilled over into the adjacent portion of East Texas, still under Spanish control.
Nothing happened, though the adjacent portions of the tepee moved.
In addition to retail, large office parks line both sides of Interstate 69 and adjacent portions of I-465.
Any portion of the liquid surface exerts a tension upon adjacent portions or upon other objects that it contacts.
A 13,000-square-foot adjacent portion of the main library will be appropriated for an aggregate total of 26,000 square feet of space.