It is endemic to California, where it is known from the northern Sacramento Valley and adjacent slopes of the southernmost Cascade Range.
Intrusive igneous rock originates from adjacent slopes (most of those being tan-colored feldspar-rich syenite).
Members of this genus are distributed from Guatemala to Bolivia, chiefly in the western Amazon basin and adjacent lower slopes of the eastern Andes.
The adjacent slopes were thinly covered with the same dark red-needled trees; to the west, a further range of hills rose even higher.
Although Kodiak is the oldest extant seamount in the Kodiak-Bowie chain, the adjacent lower slope contains transverse scars indicating earlier subduction of seamounts.
It is native to the Klamath Mountains of northern California and southern Oregon, as well as adjacent slopes of the Cascade Range.
G. microcephala is primarily found in well-drained sandy, gravelly, or rocky soils, and is often found in intermittently dry creeks or on the adjacent slopes.
Bethel Woods' outbuildings and public spaces sit on a plateau overlooking the original Woodstock site, with the performance space on an adjacent slope.
It is endemic to northern California, where it is limited to the Klamath Mountains and adjacent slopes of the North Coast Ranges.
The Turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) and the Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus) breed on adjacent slopes.