A moment later, its identical twin appeared at the adjacent window and began to do the same thing.
The explosion sent jets of fire out six adjacent windows and caused the top floor to collapse in a fiery jumble onto the one below.
He was admitted by the one called Zeke, but only after a careful examination from an adjacent window.
Users will see a link in their instant-messaging windows that will open a second window, adjacent and slightly larger.
Pavlik and Duggan, positioned at an adjacent window, used lenses of a dramatically different nature.
Conklin turned to a stocky man six feet away at an adjacent window.
The patterns are obviously intentional as some light intensities vary between adjacent windows.
There the fugitives found that a mass of flame had cut off all exit except through the front door and a few adjacent windows.
A thick column of concrete separated it from the adjacent window, where the glass was already beginning to crack with the heat.
Mother and son ended up at adjacent windows.