The cavalry fort's ruins and the adjoining museum are open 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. daily except Christmas.
Inside the adjoining museum, an exhibit re-enacts the disaster of the Empress of Ireland, which collided with another ship in a fog here in 1914.
You see, the Library and its adjoining museum went far beyond being mere depositories.
The excellent adjoining museum dissects Swansea's early history, from French exploration to agriculture and industry.
The crater and an adjoining museum are tourist favorites.
After visiting the garden, you can admire his works of art in the adjoining museum.
For children who love gory details, the adjoining museum is a manageable introduction to Mexico's archaeological treasures.
The finds, including an unusual wooden waterpipe, are on display in the adjoining museum.
His grave and an adjoining eponymous museum are in Robbinsville.
Near the barn is a country store and an adjoining insect museum.