In 1983, an adjoining plot of 1,000 m2 became the site of the press, tooling shop and the shipping department.
He suggested an alternative: "that you purchase adjoining single plots so that you can be in close proximity throughout eternity."
But in time, several more buildings were erected on adjoining plots.
Sensing that their land was about to appreciate in value, they began to heavily advertise adjoining plots for sale.
Zimmer purchased an adjoining two-acre plot in 1866, and sold the two plots to the Diocese in 1868.
Synagogue elders got interested in an adjoining plot of land, unused except as a burial ground for a Methodist couple who died in the 19th century.
They were buried in adjoining plots in the cemetery, along with some of Buckley Hall's teachers and servants.
For the College of St Gregory, which he founded in 1375 to support eight priests, he used his father's former house and an adjoining plot.
Rental apartments and larger, supermarket-size stores would sit across a four-lane road on an adjoining plot of land.
He also enlarged it, arranging the purchase of adjoining plots of land and acquiring new botanical and zoological specimens from all over the world.