In looks, Bentley's hasn't changed too much, though it has expanded to adjoining space in the same building.
The adjoining outdoor spaces are used for ceremonial and social events.
Visitors are given a guided tour of the five rooms and adjoining spaces on the ground floor.
Even interior offices are windowed to catch light from adjoining spaces.
This motif carries over into the smaller adjoining space, which faces the street.
In the 1950s, an adjoining retail space was obtained on the street, which initially was used as a candy store.
Sprawled in the adjoining space was a shifty-eyed individual with an evil face.
His pizzas proved so popular that one year later he was able to move into an adjoining space.
This was followed by the construction of trenches bordering a second adjoining space to the northeast with three access points.
Instead, the wife moved into an adjoining space that they had rented out over the years.