We're running a series of carbon accumulators, they have to be adjusted in a very specific way, and we built that equipment ourselves.
This will enable the economy and the insurance industry to adjust in a relatively non-disruptive way.
"We are adjusting our editorial voice in a way that will be comfortable with this generation of women."
She did so, careful to adjust her position in such a way as to show off her curves.
These plates must be adjusted in a certain determined way before the lock can be operated.
We reduced our position, adjusted our position in a way that was below $2 million.
You don't think it's enough to get major league hitters out, and you adjust accordingly, in a negative way.
My point: this change is almost upon us, and we have to start adjusting to it in a sensible way.
"All cultural institutions are going to have to adjust in a certain way."
Next it was a matter of adjusting the work sheets and job requirements in such a way as to get Charity assigned to us.