Also, the financial return on art must be adjusted downward to account for sales charges.
This calculated fuel economy is then adjusted downward by 10% city and 22% highway to compensate for changes in driving conditions since 1972.
Many experts believe this index overstates actual price increases and should be adjusted downward.
But should sales weaken, hours can be adjusted downward so an employee could become a part time, losing health insurance and pay.
If the stock price falls, the conversion price of the bonds is adjusted downward.
They scrambled to convince the city that their assessments should be adjusted downward.
The temperature controls had been adjusted downward a few degrees.
The second time it worked perfectly, but baking temperatures and times had to be adjusted downward.
Like shoppers who buy six eggs instead of a dozen, will ticket buyers find the prices adjusted downward?
That's because the underlying mortgages will pay less over time as the borrowers' rates are adjusted downward.