Mr. Adamson, who directed the rambunctious "Shrek" movies at DreamWorks, has nicely adjusted to the technical demands of mixing live action with computer-generated imagery.
Hill, who finished with 9 points and 4 assists, seems to have adjusted nicely to his new role.
There are only two slaves that need freeing here, you and I. These people seem nicely adjusted to the status quo, and I see no reason to change it.
Elizabeth, 6, has made friends and adjusted nicely to her new school after the move from California last summer, her mother said.
It served the exact purpose she had planned; the sun came in upon a small table to which three chairs adjusted nicely, and those occupying the chairs could look out and see the garden trees so close they seemed to be at hand.
She had adjusted nicely to living backward and was replaying in reverse her morning meal; she expected him to do likewise.
Senses designed to protect his species in the depths of the rainforest had adjusted nicely to the conditions of a big city, which was merely drier and had more carnivores.
It is a magnificent creature of steel, all of Pratt & Whitney's super-best workmanship, and as nicely adjusted and as accurate as a watch.
The gruesome fancy of the one and the bonhomie of the other are nicely adjusted to the task.
I was so far beyond simple fatigue that I was beginning to feel nicely adjusted to the idea of perma nent hysteria.