Early price estimates ranged from $525,000 to $1.6 million, and are now being adjusted upward because of the strong downtown market.
The figures made public today for 1990, 897, have been adjusted upward as the result of further reporting refinements.
"I wouldn't be surprised if the number were adjusted upward," he said.
For a pair of gold earrings passed on to the right person, production figures could be adjusted upward or downward.
Salaries could be adjusted upward in subsequent years, depending on results, if the contract is renewed.
Fees may be adjusted upward or downward according to the patient's ability to pay.
The Governor suggested today that that figure be adjusted upward for inflation since the law setting it was passed in 1975.
Three of these, recruitment, training, and weaponry, might need to be adjusted upward should our policy in Africa prove unsuccessful.
He said that raw data is adjusted upward by the bureau to compensate for any undercounting.
The interest on those notes, which was adjusted upward this summer, is 19 1/4 percent.