The last such required character initially cost approximately $50 in gems, but a later adjustment by Gameloft reduced it to about $9.
Over 10 years, the adjustment could reduce deficits by $500 billion - without forcing a single vote on spending cuts or tax hikes.
That adjustment reduced the buck take figure to 93,628.
The penalty has been that imprecise adjustments have reduced comfort levels and inflated energy costs.
These adjustments reduce friction dramatically, resulting in cars that are "Faster than Ever."
But for October, there was a drop of 5.4 percent over all, although an adjustment for calendar differences reduced the decline to 4.1 percent.
Generally, the adjustment cannot reduce tax basis below zero.
The adjustment reduced earnings by 8 cents a share.
After income taxes, the adjustment reduced income by $2,200,000.
Can minor adjustments like this reduce risk?