Now a similar problem is looming with the council that administers elections.
The Interior Ministry not only controls security and labor, but also administers elections.
First, the federal government provides no meaningful financial assistance to the state and local governments that pay for and administer federal elections.
The measures will also ease pressure on those who administer elections.
The main goal of the Rosa-led caretaker government was to administer elections that would return the country to constitutional, democratic rule.
Democracy suffers when any politician attacks without restraint those legal and political institutions authorized to administer elections.
Missouri's action also sheds light on the Defense Department's role in administering federal elections, a troubling situation that needs far more scrutiny.
Administer elections in a fair, transparent, and accountable manner.
There is no ideal way to administer elections, but New York's system combines the worst parts of all systems.
The Secretary also administers elections, voter registrations, and ballot initiatives.