It allowed universities receiving Federal aid to administer race-restricted scholarships financed by foundations or private groups.
In addition to a continuous programme of exhibitions, the RSA also administers scholarships, awards, and residencies for artists who live and work in Scotland.
The official said the latest draft of the Administration's new ruling on the issue stipulated that the law "would allow universities, including public universities, to administer scholarships where the donor restricts eligibility."
The Dutch Literary Fund, which administers scholarships for Dutch writers, is now considering twenty applications from Flemish authors.
HRSA safeguards the foundations of the U.S. health care system by targeting grants to academic institutions to support post-graduate faculty retention; administering scholarships to increase staff in critical specialties, such as nursing; and funding leadership development programs.
NESA administers several scholarships for Eagle Scouts.
College Now also administers scholarships for companies and organizations for a fee.
The department issued a new policy that would permit universities receiving Federal aid to administer race-restricted scholarships that are funded privately.
"They are asking increasingly about finance and this is a complex picture because every university will have its own criteria for administering scholarships and bursaries."
The ELM Trust also administers annual scholarships to horology students in the U.S. through The Harold J. and Marie Borneman Greenwood Memorial Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.