But the administration has declared victory in Iraq at least four times.
The administration has also declared victory in its campaign to overhaul Amtrak, and proposed a $900 million subsidy for next year.
During his government the banking crisis that the previous administration declared became bigger.
In March 1990 the administration declared a financial emergency and a plan to lay off 50 professors.
The administration declared that it would end reviews of Western landholdings for new wilderness protection.
Local British administration had declared an award for capturing him dead or alive.
For the administration has repeatedly declared its intention to bring the suspected terrorists to justice dead or alive.
The administration intends to continue enforcing the law until it is either repealed by Congress or finally declared unconstitutional in court.
His administration then declared a budget emergency and ordered about 7,000 of those employees in non-essential positions to stay home from work.
After good job growth in March and April, the administration declared its approach vindicated.