The administration is eliminating the current 10 regional superintendents and creating a wider role for private groups in supporting schools.
The administration ceased to define the curriculum as Christian in the 1960s, and also eliminated compulsory chapel at the same time.
In 1900 the administration decided that a capitol fund was necessary and eliminated the music supervisor position in the system.
He said that his administration had eliminated a $162 million budget deficit.
Organizations that the administration could not eliminate, such as the education system, came under its direct control.
Under the plan, the administration would also eliminate services it no longer considered essential, selling for example, 85 of the city's 500 gas stations.
But in the name of regulatory efficiency, the administration would also eliminate mandatory environmental reviews.
I am concerned that they will go the way of so many other regulations this administration has eliminated.
In 1994, Allen's administration eliminated Virginia's water toxins monitoring program.
His administration has eliminated 4,000 jobs since 1987.